Sunday, April 13, 2008

Yankees Unearth Sox Shirt From New Stadium, Act Like Jackasses

BOULDER, Colorado -- One of the things I have really been looking forward to this baseball season is to see how crazy the New York Yankees management can be. Ever since they hired Joe Girardi, I have had visions of Billy Martin; and Hank Steinbrenner is already acting like his jerk of a father did during the lean years of the late 70's and early 80's. In short, I am expecting this team to go into another tailspin that will hopefully last a generation.

I think this move by the Yankees bodes well for my prediction.

"The first thought was, you know, it's never a good thing to be buried in cement when you're in New York," [Yankees president Randy] Levine said. "But then we decided, why reward somebody who had really bad motives and was trying to do a really bad thing?"

How is this something "really bad" with "really bad motives"? Isn't it just kind of funny and in the spirit of competition? I don't fault the Yankees for tearing it up, but they could have turned this into more of a light-hearted publicity stunt. These people do not seem to have a good-spirited bone in their body, as evidenced by this:

[Team CEO Lonn] Trost said the Yankees had discussed possible criminal charges against Castignoli [the construction worker who planted the jersey] with the district attorney's office.

What is wrong with you? This team really is run by batshit crazy individuals, and I would be very worried about the team if I were a Yankees fan.

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